Nanotechnology System Corporation (NATSYCO) was founded in 2007. The company is expert in designing & manufacturing of surface analyze systems and medical equipments as well. Surface analyze systems like atomic force microscope (AFM) for any conductive and non-conductive surfaces like bio polymers, polymers, direrent nanoparticles, bio molecules, composites, ceramics, textiles & ... also scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) systems for conductive surfaces such as metals and some polymers. Now, both systems are combined in one instrument with very useful and friendly design called SPM or scanning probe microscope. Our firm activity includes in field of nano materials surface analysis and also lab and medical equipment design and constructions. Nowadays more than 100 research centers and universities in Iran and 12 countries use these instruments for their lab researches.
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SPM-EDU Principle of Operation, Instrumentation and Probes Images obtained using an AFM OF SPM Images obtained using an STM OF SPM Catalog SPM